The Hidden Ring of Steel - Child Abuse in Sport with Andy Woodward | E88
Nov 04, 2024
On 16th November 2016 Andy Woodward was the first ex professional footballer to reveal child abuse in the sport. This set a tidal wave around the globe and gave many people courage to speak out openly about abuse and the effects on mental health and trauma. In this episode Andy shares his story and discusses the impact trauma can have on humanity
Discussed in this episode
- 00:00 Show Intro
- 00:04:19 What are you passionate about in life right now?
- 00:06:49 Could you take me back to the time when you found the strength to speak your truth?
- 00:09:48 Did you feel ready to manage the consequence of telling the truth?
- 00:10:37 Could you just share your story that made it onto the front page of the newspapers, the BBC and beyond?
- 00:15:30 What do you remember really shifted in you as 10 year old Andy, what were the shifts in your behaviour to help parents and carers out there recognise the signs?
- 00:18:31 If you were to given a way out, what would have helped you escape that prison you were in?
- 00:22:19 If you could take us on the journey when you lifted the lid on the paedophile pot?
- 00:25:28 Bringing awareness to children when an adult's behaviour is not ok and giving them a way out to safety
- 00:29:26 Could you explain what you uncovered in the layers of the organisation when you exposed the truth of the paedophile coach?
- 00:41:48 The impact of experiencing trauma as a child
- 00:47:24 The struggle with being able to talk about your experience
- 00:51:20 The challenges with mental health - seeking to create order out of disorder
- 00:53:44 Greed, ego and empathy
- 00:55:02 Knowing what you know now, what is optimal brain health for you personally in the context of your life's journey?
- 00:56:42 The hardest thing
- 01:05:20 What advice would you give anyone who has been through child abuse and is really scared of speaking their truth and the consequences that come from it?
- 01:11:33 Protecting the children of the future and protecting the children of the past unchaining their pain
- 01:12:38 How can people raise concerns about a paedophile ring in their local community?
- 01:16:35 Finish of show
Connect with Andy Woodward
- 👉 Instagram: / andywoodward444
- 👉 Facebook Elusive child protection unit: / ecpulivestings
- 👉 Facebook: / andy.woodward.965
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- Childline 0800 1111 or at NSPCC helpline 0808 800 5000 or
Please contact the police and obtain a crime reference number if you have any concerns about suspicious behaviour towards children in relation to what has been discussed in this episode.
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