
Curious as to whether working with Dr Ruth Allan is the right investment for you?  If you're looking for personalised support as a 1-1 or group experience, that offers you a 'safe-haven' to be vulnerable, to explore what is holding you back from moving forward so you can win back your energy and time doing what you love, then read on!

Below are a selection of testimonials from those that have been impacted by Dr Ruth Allan...

1-1 Coaching

No more emotional baggage

What I loved was being able to deal with the emotional baggage I was carrying and develop a more positive attitude in just one session

I could feel myself getting rid of the weight of the bad memory, which helped me feel calmer

I now have tools to use whenever I feel anxious or stressed and have already seen positive changes. Thank you!

Yusuf, Young Adult

Program: 1-1 Trauma Recovery Coaching

Phenomenal guide

What I loved about the program is its convenience and its open, ethical and honest approach.

I would thoroughly recommend Dr Ruth's program. The sessions equipped me with some incredibly simple, yet highly effective and powerful ways in which to reduce trauma and grief!

I am using them daily and have seen some very meaningful shifts in consciousness.

Ruth is a phenomenal guide and her care, expertise and professional approach felt really safe and open and a place I could relax and trust.

Peter Mann

Program: 1-1 Trauma Recovery Coaching

Much calmer now before going to sleep

I feel much more calm before going to sleep. Any triggers I previously faced are now manageable and I don’t feel distressed or anxious as I did before

I am able to disassociate any negative feelings I have with my trauma

It was a very personal approach which made me feel comfortable. Even though I hadn’t had contact with Ruth before the session, it was free flowing and very natural

Chloe Booth

Program: 1-1 Trauma Recovery Coaching

Left with healing tools

I learned a ton from the coaching. Ruth was flexible and articulated the process clearly and simply

I loved the insights into my past and the education on how to heal from the past

Ruth was kind and compassionate. She educated me on the process and the why for each step

I left with healing and tools to help myself in the future.

Larry Salvatoriello, Founder and President at Arkus

Program: 1-1 Trauma Recovery Coaching

Very powerful

The coaching had an immediate, lasting result and was a good experience as well. I loved that I didn't have to talk about the traumatic event

Reshaping the memory towards the end was very powerful. Go right ahead! If you are afraid of thinking about the memory or thing, don't be. You only have to bring it to mind for a short moment, not talk about it or anything else, and the session begins

Each time after I revisited the memory, it didn't have the negative charge any more. Phew!

Kate B

Program: 1-1 Trauma Recovery Coaching

No further flashbacks!

The coaching was very easy with a comfortable style

I found it very effective and so far I have not had any further flashbacks!

I loved the results. Such a simple technique with very effective results.

Arabella M

Program: 1-1 Trauma Recovery Coaching


Coaching with Ruth empowered me to know that I possess the power to change how I feel about events in my past

She helped me with a memory which might be deemed insignificant to some, but was very significant to me, and she worked with the memory as I perceived it

I loved that I can change how I feel about things that happened in the past.


Program: 1-1 Trauma Recovery Coaching

Felt 100% better

I loved the way I became calm very quickly. The session was very interesting and helped a lot. 

The technique is easy to use and can be achieved anywhere. I had a release of energy which made me feel 100% better

Give it a try!

Antony Cowley

Program: 1-1 Trauma Recovery Coaching

Inclusive and relaxing style

The coaching session was very efficiently managed and easy to follow, but done in an inclusive, relaxed way

I loved that nothing was assumed. It was managed by Ruth, but the direction of travel was set by me

There’s nothing to fear and no downside.

Paul S

Program: 1-1 Trauma Recovery Coaching

Now it's just something that happened

Ruth was very relaxing and put me at ease by explaining the techniques involved in the coaching session

I loved that it's a simple technique. It didn't feel like a difficult session - I'd set my self up with a lot of tissues, just incase I got upset, but I didn't need them

It is a really positive experience and helps to dissociate the pain with the event. It's now just something that happened rather than what is constantly being lived through.

Valerie O

Program: 1-1 Trauma Recovery Coaching

Much more relaxed

I came to the session wanting to feel differently about a negative event at work that I was hanging on to and was still affecting my confidence

I was very wary of the session as I have never experienced anything like it before and I don't feel comfortable talking to strangers about personal issues

It is very strange to explain but, when I now think of the specific event that we used, it is as though I am watching it from an outsider's point of view rather than being part of it myself

I have a much more relaxed and less negative view of that particular event now

Give it a go!

Sarah Hutchinson

Program: 1-1 Trauma Recovery Coaching

Mood lifted

Ruth explained everything brilliantly, put me at ease and encouraged me throughout the process. I felt the benefit instantly

My mood was lifted and I was able to practice the technique myself after the session. I loved how it left me feeling and found using this technique it is possible to achieve a change in mood and outlook in a really short space of time

I would wholeheartedly encourage anyone to give it a go. It is totally painless and didn't involve any delving into past traumatic memories. It really does have an instant and lasting impact.

Zoe T

Program: 1-1 Trauma Recovery Coaching

Profound and transformative

Ruth had a lovely warm and professional manner that immediately inspired confidence. I felt relaxed and safe throughout

I loved having a safe space to explore feelings and thoughts in a new way and being guided on a very profound journey, as well as feeling the issue as something tangible, feeling it shrinking and becoming less painful to approach

Don't be afraid - it feels safe and gentle, but is also profound and transformative. Ruth was very professional, thorough and reassuring throughout.

Kaaren W

Program: 1-1 Trauma Recovery Coaching

Unhelpful feelings diminished

The session was very immersive and didn't require too much effort on my part

I loved picturing my happy experiences and working through the unhelpful feelings and seeing them diminish

Definitely give it a go, nothing to be nervous about!

Sarah Johnstone

Program: 1-1 Trauma Recovery Coaching


I felt safe and well ‘tuned in’ to Ruth. I loved the self empowerment - the ability to take control of my emotions

There is nothing to be nervous of - it all ‘made sense’ to me, and I’m someone who normally likes evidence and not often a convert to alternative approaches

It was all positive - the process was seamless, delivery felt very natural, and the benefit was clear.

Gill Wilkinson

Program: 1-1 Trauma Recovery Coaching

Now able to redirect my thoughts

I loved that it was delivered professionally in a calm and unhurried way, with explanations given all the way through

My biggest insight was that I have the ability to redirect my thoughts and calm myself for a more positive outcome

There is no pressure applied and each step explained left me feeling calmer

Jill Cooney

Program: 1-1 Trauma Recovery Coaching

Peaceful, present day joy!

It was very helpful and I loved that I felt peaceful

The major insight I grabbed onto was present day joy

It's a way of approaching trauma in the past that is gentle and goes at the pace you want it to.

Jay Armstrong

Program: 1-1 Trauma Recovery Coaching

A lovely experience

The coaching was a lovely experience. Ruth was very friendly and kind and I found the whole thing very relaxing and liberating

Ruth’s approach was great. I was slightly nervous beforehand, but she put me at ease right from the beginning and made it enjoyable

There is absolutely nothing to worry about! It is completely safe and comforting.

Emma P

Program: 1-1 Trauma Recovery Coaching

Life enhancing and easy

I was struggling with the emotional pain and grief associated with my husband’s death (Ruth’s father). The coaching has made me feel much calmer and at ease with myself

I loved Ruth's calm and gentle manner as she helped me through the issues. I can now think about my husband's death in a more calm and rational way

Ruth made the whole process life enhancing and easy.

Paula M Woodward

Program: 1-1 Trauma Recovery Coaching

Real, actionable tools

I learned a lot from working with Ruth. I identified real actionable tools that I could use

Ruth also meets you where you are at. I believe she understands that this is a journey and that we may all be at different stages

Ruth did not judge or berate, but provided tools, a realistic sounding board and recommendations that are based on evidence based methods.

Catherine Ciesla, Associate Professor, College of San Mateo, California

Program: 1-1 Brain Power and Performance Accelerator

Massive reduction in pain

Ruth and her brain health coaching was recommended to me and I can honestly say it has changed my life

She has helped me understand certain behaviours I put down to my own unique character is actually how my brain processes the world around me

I also was experiencing a great deal of pain due to a medical condition that my GP and other medical specialists disregarded

With changes to my diet I made a massive impact on reducing my pain levels and also help with hormone balance and general mental health.

Veronica Clarke, Business Owner

Program: Detailed Brain Health Evaluation and follow-on coaching

Strategies that enriched my life

It's the fastest hour(s) ever spent gaining insight and strategies that enriched my life. Dr Ruth Allan is very kind, gives statistics and good information to help guide into better decisions

I have freedom from some of the painful events that were in my life. I also have better skills for stressful situations that I can use

I better understand the importance of pain and the different ways my body holds it

I loved the release from some pain points that were troublesome; albeit unknown to me previously and better understanding how my brain is wired

Senga (wife, mother, grandmother, labourer and lifelong learner)

Program: 1-1 Brain Power and Performance Accelerator

Wonderful healing journey

I've had the most wonderful healing and discovering journey about myself. It wasn't easy but Ruth was there for me

I loved her professionalism, knowledge, humanity and method of coaching

My top three positive changes that occurred were learning to check in on how I feel, killing the ANTs and learning my core values

I am so grateful our paths have met. Thank you so much Ruth

Céline LR

Program: 1-1 Brain Power and Performance Accelerator

A life defining investment

I found the coaching to be one of those life defining investments in me

Having jumped in with both feet, I truly can say that the coaching has made me happier, more relaxed, more focussed and certainly 8 to 10 times more effective... it really has and it could for you as well, so stop hesitating and jump on in too.

Jeremy Davis, General Manager, Downstream Process Integration, Shell

Program: 1-1 High Performance Coaching


Life changing

Being coached by Ruth - I can honestly say it has changed my life. Following a high performance model, Ruth has guided me through my development as an individual and as a professional. If asked, I would whole-heartedly recommend Ruth to anyone seeking to change and improve. Thank you Ruth for enriching my life. Ruth is a superb coach. Give it a go, you'll be blown away by the results!

Jane Caddick, Culture Change Expert

Program: 1-1 High Performance Coaching


Tremendously helpful

The coaching allowed me to assess what my focus and purpose was in my work, how I wanted to show up for my family and what I wanted to get out life

The program gave me routines and tools that helped me developed habits to help me be successful

A particular challenge I have is the initiation and organization of large work projects. Ruth showed me tools to help me manage and organize my projects and also helped me changed my mindset towards projects overall

The experience was tremendously helpful and I whole heartedly recommend the series.

Catherine Ciesla, Associate Professor, College of San Mateo, California

Program: 1-1 High Performance Coaching

Group coaching

Timely and well-targeted advice

The advice Ruth has given me in through her wellbeing training has allowed me to reassess what it was that I was doing and to declutter my life...

From so many things that were either not necessary, or simply being done to prop up a badly planned approach to many other things I had been attempting to manage

I can’t thank Ruth enough of such timely and well-targeted advice. Give it a go and see for yourselves.

Dean King, Technology Entrepreneur

Program: Wellbeing Warrior Academy monthly coaching

Immediate result

This was a great group trauma recovery session. Ruth took us through the steps gently - checking with us all as we went

The information was well considered and delivered. The teaching of the technique was great

It’s great to get an immediate result and also to now feel equipped to use the technique anytime, anywhere

Definitely do it. Thank you Ruth

Paula J Woodward

Program: Group trauma recovery coaching

Without judgement

I loved that I never felt pressured to speak up. It was comfortable without judgment

It was interesting to understand how the brain works and what is in control of the responses my body has during stressful situations

Now I know how to calm myself with a very simple technique

This session helped me understand my trauma and how to rewire it in an unbelievably simple way

Thanks so much for the guidance and dedicating your time to help.

Laura Buttigieg

Program: Group trauma recovery coaching

Easy to follow

I loved how professional it was and easy to follow

The change I have following the session is calmness, feeling light headed and no more pressure!

Do it! Amazing

Glenda Saunders

Program: Group trauma recovery coaching

It's all about you

I loved that the session was short enough to handle it and you are able to walk away with a new skill

There is no pressure - it is about you as an individual, not about others

This session helped me to grow my personal awareness and handling of my own emotional response

Thank you for teaching me this new technique to help my own emotional support

Herna Van Reenan

Program: Group trauma recovery coaching

Great visualisation

I loved that I was able to achieve good results in a short time

It was well explained, the slides were good and there was good interaction with the participants

I liked the talk about negative thoughts, or what percentage of that thought is true and what is the counter balance to it

It was great visualisation and it really helped


Program: Group trauma recovery coaching

All round comfort

I loved the fact there were several people from around the world who all found comfort

Ruth was calm and her explanations were very concise

I loved the medical imaging and the reasons for why the technique works. She took me to a happy place

Give it a go even if you, like me you, are are sceptical as it will work

I was able to approach the day in a much calmer frame of mind.

Paula M Woodward

Program: Group trauma recovery coaching

Motivational Speaking

When she speaks angels stop flapping their wings

When she speaks angels stop flapping their wings. When you listen to her your life will never be the same again

As you think about your goals and dreams, and if you are ready to step into the life that is waiting for you to live...

If you are ready to get out of your head and get into your greatness, you need a trained eye, an accomplished person...

An experienced person, that will empower you to transform and to get unstuck and to live from your greatness,

Then I encourage you to take her course and bring out your greatness.

Les Brown, Guest Speaker "Share the Change" talks

She lit up the room

As a guest at the “Share the Change” talks with Les Brown, I saw a number of rising stars in the speaking field. One that I thoroughly enjoyed, was Ruth Mary Allan

She lit up the room with her message of optimism, hope and action

Ruth not only knows that - she practices it, by sharing her powerful message with others.

George Chanos, Guest Speaker "Share the Change" talks

Powerful and thought-provoking

The interactive workshop was powerful and thought provoking

I really appreciated the openness of Dr Ruth's own struggles and her practical advice. The exercises in the workshop have already made a positive difference in my life.

Paul S, UK Government

Corporate Webinar: The 5 Pillars of Brain Health

Genuinely captivating


My personal thanks and input on our study day. Your passion for and extensive knowledge of your subject have been hard won, and your candour in sharing your personal experiences was genuinely humbling

You were genuinely captivating.

Patrick Allen

Corporate interactive workshop

Deeply emotive

Thank you for your presentation today on pregnancy, miscarriage and termination

All deeply emotive and, by the content of your narration, deeply personalised

Your candour and transparency really opened the topics. We are all much better informed after today.

Simon H

Corporate talk

So different and personable

I found the coaching really valuable, with tools not used before or even heard of - it was so different

I loved it's not possible to access it elsewhere and Ruth explained it concisely, but was also personable.

Laura Grassick

Webinar: The 5 Pillars of Brain Health

Podcast hosting

Very engaging and inspiring

As a guest on many podcasts, every now and then you run into a host with whom you really build a great connection

Dr Ruth is very engaging, extremely knowledgeable and very well prepared

It is evident that she puts in the work to create a successful and inspiring show.  And that's what makes it such a great experience to be a guest

Thank you so much for having me on the show and for the work you do in the area of brain health and how we can all take control and live our best envisioned lives!

Ken Rusk

Guest of show 'Brain Health - Unchaining Your Pain'

Great discussion and questions

Great discussion and great questions. Glad to have the slides visible in the format. Keep up the great work!

Dr Craig Shimasaki, PhD

Guest of show 'Brain Health - Unchaining Your Pain'

Best one yet!

That was fun! It was the best one yet. Sometimes I'm saying the same stuff, but you got me there! Those were really good questions.

Jeremy Delk

Guest of show 'Brain Health - Unchaining Your Pain'

Great flow and spontaneity

I deeply enjoyed our flow and spontaneity. I also appreciated your want-to-know questions. Brilliant!

Michele Risa

Guest of show 'Brain Health - Unchaining Your Pain'

Supportive and inspiring

Very supportive and inspiring. Thank you!

Dr Peter Gruenewald, MD

Guest of show 'Brain Health - Unchaining Your Pain'

Best podcast so far!

The best podcast I've been on so far this year!!

Dr Robb Kelly

Guest of show 'Brain Health - Unchaining Your Pain'

Interview was fantastic

The interview was fantastic!

Dr Hokehe Eko, MD

Guest of show 'Brain Health - Unchaining Your Pain'

We are here to support you


Connect with us so we can support you in answering any questions you have and help you find the best solution for you and those you care about!

Through our partnerships with professional service providers in the personal development, medical and wellbeing fields, we offer a wide range of services centred around optimising your brain power and performance and whole body health

Our goal is to support you and those you care about step into their best self