Contact us
To find right support for you, your loved ones or your organisation
Schedule a time to connect
Please note this is not a mental health crisis line. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis and need urgent support, please contact the emergency services. If based in the UK, please call 999 or NHS 111 to discuss your needs. Please click on this link to speak to MIND for crisis support.
To chat to us about your needs and find the most appropriate program for you, please find a time that suits you using the calendar on this page for your FREE 15 minute consultation
A Zoom invitation is automatically set up, where you can dial in via your computer or phone
If you are unable to find an appointment time, please complete the form below with your contact details and we will get back to you as soon as possible
Alternatively please call +44 (0)1865 600522 or scan the QR code shown to dial the number
We are here to support you
Connect with us so we can support you in answering any questions you have and help you find the best solution for you and those you care about
Through our partnerships with professional service providers in the medical and wellbeing fields, we offer a wide range of services centred around optimising your brain health and wellbeing
Our goal is to support you and those you care about rediscover their best self and optimise their performance