The Wellbeing Warrior Academy

Win back energy and time doing what you love by learning how to take charge of your wellbeing and be the BOSS™️

Believe Overcome Succeed Soar

FREE download: "Wellbeing Warrior Academy Brochure"

Download our FREE brochure to explore the right program for you

Why the Academy?

The Wellbeing Warrior Academy is aimed at supporting you and those you care about become warriors for their health and wellbeing

Our goal is to empower parents, staff and students to enhance their performance and win back energy and time doing what they love by optimising their brain health and wellbeing

Our tailored coaching programs focus on the three essential elements to achieve optimal health and performance:

  • Unchaining your pain from past trauma or unhelpful experiences that prevent you from showing up as your best self
  • Unlocking the secrets to greater mental clarity and performance with simple, yet powerful, tools and techniques
  • Unleashing your full potential by optimising your unique brain

Viewing your performance through the lens of brain health we recognised that everyone's brain is unique and so we focus on empowering you to get the best out of your engine of life

History of the Academy

When Dr Ruth was young life wasn't quite as people saw it. She experienced childhood trauma and the only way she felt able to escape was into the recesses of her mind

She used academia as her release and protection mechanism. The drawing shown is her GCSE artwork final when she was 16 years old. It depicts her, trapped inside her own mind, unable to get out, unable to explain how she was feeling or communicate what was troubling her

She couldn't tell anyone about what happened. This was her way of expressing herself

It's horrible feeling trapped, not knowing who to turn to and unable to talk about it. Wanting some help to fix it, to fit in, to calm down, to feel normal, to feel understood, to feel safe

It wasn't until she was an adult she understood what had happened and was able to reach out for support and unchain her pain

When she experienced a pivotal moment in her work life that led her on a transformational journey to optimising her own brain health, people started asking her to help their children

Translating the coaching she deliver to adults into child-friendly programs, all underpinned by science, the Wellbeing Warrior Academy was born

The Academy's goal - to empower adults and children, like herself and her daughter Lilly, to learn how to take charge of their wellbeing and be the BOSS™️:

Believe Overcome Succeed Soar


Programs tailored to your needs

Please note this site is still under development to provide you with details behind each of our programs offered. Please complete your details above to get a copy of our brochure, contact us by email, or arrange a call.


Organisational support

Keeping your team motivated to get the best out of you and your employees

Brains run organisations. Growing your business with employees that are struggling with their brain health and unable to perform optimally is challenging and expensive

We will help you understand how your culture, processes, procedures and training is impacting the brain health of your employees and ultimately your bottom line

By implementing brain-healthy strategies we will provide you and your team with a viable, easy to implement road map to reduce sick days, increase retention and enhance performance

Bespoke brain training, including leadership and personal development to support you and your team

Despite our brains being the organs that run organisations, our brains are rarely discussed when it comes to optimising performance or improving the bottom line

We provide proven workshops and training programs in brain health to support you and your staff in optimising their unique brains, enhancing productivity and performance and creating a healthier and happier workplace

Optimising the connection with yourself and your team to enhance motivation and productivity

By understanding what your employees are truly passionate and motivated about, you can create a more meaningful connection with them and better leverage the power of your workforce

When we take the time to truly connect with our core values and beliefs, we are better able to leverage our strengths and focus on how we can best support others

Through our bespoke sessions we will support you in uncovering how you can get the best out of your team by enhancing connection at a deeper level to better leverage their inherent drivers for the benefit of your organisation

Leadership, personal development and brain health coaching for you and your team

At the centre of organisations are our people. Investing in yourself and your employees personal growth is vital to enhance personal performance, improve retention and increase profit

When you have a workforce that feels valued and you value investing time in them and yourself, like an effective family unit, you will be able to achieve more

Our programs and professional speaking can be tailored to individual, team or large-scale delivery depending on your needs

We are here to support you


Connect with us so we can support you in answering any questions you have and help you find the best solution for you and those you care about

Through our partnerships with professional service providers in the medical and wellbeing fields, we offer a wide range of services centred around optimising your brain health and wellbeing

Our goal is to support you and those you care about rediscover your best self and get the best out of your engine of life - your brain


FREE download: "The 10 Predictor's of Workplace Wellbeing"

Learn the 10 factors that determine your level of workplace wellbeing (and how you can improve it)