Baton of Hope with Steve Phillip and Mike McCarthy

Aug 22, 2022

by Dr Ruth Allan | 22 August 2022

Steve Phillip and Mike McCarthy join Dr. Ruth Allan on the 46th Episode of Brain Health: Unchaining Your Pain and 6th Episode in series 3

Please note that during this podcast we discuss the topic of suicide and suicide prevention

For almost 30 years, Steve Phillip was a successful consultant, trainer and keynote speaker when he received a call on December 4th 2019 that changed his world forever – his son Jordan had taken his own life. Steve Phillip is now a Suicide Prevention and Workplace Well-being Advocate, LinkedIn influencer, Keynote speaker and Founder of the Jordan Legacy and Baton Of Hope initiative

Mike was a journalist for more than 36 years reporting on headline stories across the world, notching up hundreds of appearances on the BBC and Sky News. Some of his riskier assignments saw him covering masked rioters looting in Manchester, and the frontlines of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, none of these experiences prepared him for the ordeal of losing his 31-year-old son Ross in February 2021

Mike McCarthy is now a speaker and campaigner for suicide prevention, awareness and change. He is a member of Baton of Hope Organising Committee and Trustee of men's mental health charity Talk Club

In this Episode, Steve and Mike talk about their drive to reducing the number of suicides that take place every year, which is the number one killer of men between 20 and 35 years old. We discuss the initiative 'the Baton of Hope,' which, much like the Olympic torch, is intended as a catalyst for community prevention initiatives in the UK, making it's way across the country, finishing in London

Steve and Mike discuss the research figures on the number of people touched by suicide, the state of the current system and the need to create collaborative change at a local and national level, opening up the dialogue around suicide prevention, building community support and generating more hope. Dr Ruth also provides some simple training to help you and others open the dialogue around the topic to take back control of your mental health

If you are interested in getting involved in the Baton Of Hope, have been affected by suicide, or are struggling with your mental health, this is one episode you don't want to miss

There is always hope. You are not alone


Share your view - tell us what you enjoyed or loved about the show here!

Listen to Episode 046 with Steve Phillip and Mike McCarthy on Apple Podcasts

Disclaimer: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute, or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Connect with Steve Phillip and Mike McCarthy

Baton of Hope Website | The Jordan Legacy WebsiteLinkedIn Steve | LinkedIn Mike

The Baton of Hope event is running in the summer of 2023. Sign up via the website to get involved as a community, organisation, government agency or sponsor

Connect with Dr Ruth

  • For more information about Trauma Recovery Coaching, how to unchain your pain or that of others, and information about the programs Dr Ruth has to support you with unchaining, unlocking and unleashing your full potential, connect here
  • Learn more about the Wellbeing Warrior Academy for you, your family and your organisation
  • Access all Episodes of the show 'Brain Health - Unchaining Your Pain'

Related episodes, books and websites discussed during the episode

 Discussed in this podcast

  • 7.20 The importance of hope
  • 8.16 Optimal brain health for Mike McCarthy - how he's managed to not fall through a dark void following the loss of his son Ross
  • 10.40 The importance of acceptance
  • 12.08 Optimal brain health for Steve Phillip and how he's leveraging this to support people in finding hope to enhance his brain health
  • 14.50 - Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore - lifting people out of the darkness and passing on the baton of hope
  • 16.30 - The Baton of Hope - responsibility and universality for our role to play in giving people hope
  • 20.15 - The legacy beyond the Baton of Hope to keep hope alive
  • 20.50 - A system that is removing hope
  • 28.10 - Creating instant accessibility to mental health support and the lack of parity between physical and mental health and lack of suicide prevention training
  • 31.00 - Getting a handle on the topic of suicide prevention as a nation to deliver effective support
  • 33.00 - Training and 'first aid' in suicide prevention to learn simple, fundamental skills
  • 34.45 - Basic skills for suicide prevention with Dr Ruth
  • 40.05 - Aspects of the Five Pillars of Brain Health that have influenced and supported Mike and Steve on their journey to pass on the baton of hope
  • 49.45 - How to get involved in the Baton of Hope for 2023 and beyond to open up the conversation, raise awareness and provide hope 

Please note this show is for educational purposes only. If you need professional support to optimise your brain and whole body health, please contact us directly or speak to your healthcare professional.

DISCLAIMER: Please always seek the advice of your general practitioner or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

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Through our partnerships with professional service providers in the medical and wellbeing fields, we offer a wide range of services centred around optimising your brain health and wellbeing

Our goal is to support you and those you care about step into their best self