How Havening can help protect the NHS and save lives

Jan 13, 2021

Today, Wednesday 13th January 2021, was the worst day so far in terms of the daily death toll in the UK from COVID-19, with 1594 people recorded as dying from the virus. 

The UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has warned of a "very substantial" risk of intensive care capacity being "overtopped" and has said the situation was "very, very tough" in the NHS, with the strain on staff being "colossal."

The mental health crisis that is set to deepen

Over the last nine months millions of pounds has been invested in private firms to help establish the UK Government’s test, track and trace system. Although there has been a wave of investment in mental health services, highly effective and rapidly acting approaches to support NHS frontline workers overcome the trauma they are experiencing, as well as helping patients they are treating is still required.

There is an urgent need to find robust, simple, quick and effective approaches to help reduce the emotional and physical stress of those dealing with trauma on a day-day basis.

This is particularly important to help protect the mental health of the frontline workers and save more lives through increasing their resilience and reducing absenteeism.

Why Havening Techniques®

Talking therapies that require long-term intervention and reliving of your traumatic experiences are not the answer. Approaches that require a specialist to constantly support the individual are not the answer.

What the NHS needs is a tool that empowers its people to take back control of their mental health, to reduce the emotional charge associated with the trauma they witness daily. A tool that each individual can learn quickly and apply throughout their day without the need of anything other than their own hands.

That tool is Havening Techniques®.

Havening has been scientifically proven through two separate studies in the UK to have a significant impact on the mental health of individuals after just one session.

Havening Techniques was developed by Dr Ronald Ruden MD, an internist with a PhD in organic chemistry alongside his brother Dr Steven Ruden. For the past 30years they had been searching for the most powerful approach to help people with trauma.

They first started exploring Electromagnetic Field Therapy (EFT) or tapping to explore its efficacy in helping release the emotionally charge content associated with a past trauma or unhelpful experience.

Through extensive research they discovered that using the power of human touch, or Havening Touch® in certain parts of your body generates calming delta waves in your brain. These delta waves have a positive effect on regions of the brain involved in creating and storing emotionally charged memories and trauma. 

When a person has an unhelpful or trauma experience, the brain sends high frequency gamma waves to the brain cells, which activates specific chemicals including cortisol, causing AMPA receptors to be plugged onto the surface of the brain cell. 

These AMPA receptors act as a short circuit, encoding the event and associate response to that experience permanently in the brain so that the brain can act quickly should that experience recur. This is part of our fight, flight, freeze or defensive rage response, which starts in the amygdala.

Havening uses the power of Havening Touch to generate calming delta waves in the brain. This is genetically inbuilt capability in humans that we inherit from birth.

These calming delta waves send different chemicals to the brain cells, including GABA, serotonin and oxytocin. When the traumatic experience is recalled, the AMPA receptors activated on the surface of the cells are unglued (depotentiated) and permanently sent back into the brain cells. This has the effect of removing the emotional charge and any response that has been encoded in the brain as a result of that trauma or unhelpful experience.

In a recent research paper by Hodgson et al through a double-blind controlled trial, to show significant reductions in cortisol levels, heart rate and blood pressure in those suffering with Type D personality disorder.

In just one session.

In fact, that paper showed that those who received Havening no longer had the Type D personality disorder attributes after just one session.

Further emerging research in the USA is showing how Havening not only calms down the emotional centres of the brain where trauma is initially encoded - the amygdala, but many other aspects of the brain that are seen as overactive in conditions such as PTSD, using functional brain imaging modality SPECT.

As a client of Havening, I witnessed first hand the impact of the modality in dealing with the trauma of witnessing my dad’s sudden death, being able to reduce the distress rating from a 7/10 to a 2/10 after just one session, and within a week I was able to talk freely about that day with no emotional distress.

As a now Certified Havening Practitioner® I have been able to help individuals remove flashbacks associated with PTSD in just one session, where all other modalities have failed.

I have helped frontline workers reduce their distress rating of 9/10 from witnessing colleagues dying of COVID-19 to a zero distress rating in just 40minutes.

Failing to act now with a scientifically proven, fast-acting modality that helps frontline responders reduce, and in many cases remove, the emotional charge and associate encoding from the traumas they witness in less than one hour would be negligent.

So why Havening over other modalities that help people deal with trauma?

  1. Self-Havening can be taught to vast numbers of healthcare professionals online in group settings in less than one hour to help them manage their own stress levels on a day-day basis. Once learnt, healthcare professionals can easily train their patients in critical care settings to help them alleviate stress, reducing cortisol levels and aiding recovery
  2. Self-Havening can be used anytime, anywhere by an individual experiencing stress and only requires that individual to have access to their own hands - and it’s ok to be wearing gloves
  3. Havening does not require the individual to recite anything about their experience to feel the benefit. This is hugely empowering also for children who can struggle to articulate their emotions with a developing brain
  4. Havening works even if you don’t believe in it as it’s capability is inbuilt as part of our genetic makeup
  5. Havening is the fastest modality known at present to reduce unhelpful responses associated with trauma and unhelpful experiences.

Don’t take my word for it. Hear what the other experts have to say...

What the experts have to say about Havening

"Havening is going to change the face of therapy across the world. What used to take months to cure can now be done in minutes in most cases: PTSD, trauma, pain, depression and many more disorders. The initial study recently completed by King’s College London shows the remarkable effectiveness of this extraordinary set of processes. This is not to be confused with other psycho-sensory techniques such as TFT, EMDR, etc. Whilst they are very good, Havening is light years ahead. You can't afford not to learn this breakthrough approach." Paul McKenna, Ph.D, International best selling author and ‘one of the world’s most important self-help gurus’ (The Times of London).

“I have used Havening Techniques and I am convinced of the efficacy speed and simplicity in which Havening achieves results that some would think unbelievable. I consider this a remarkable tool for healthcare professionals and would be happy to recommend this technique. In my experience, it has quicker results than CBT and the use of this technique would save the NHS a fortune.” Dr. Michael Carmi, MB Ch B , FRCGP (UK).  

“Havening has proved to be an effective and flexible technique in my work. It is easy to apply and often produces results quickly in a wide spectrum of emotional, psychological and physical issues, particularly where there has been psychological trauma. Havening has the advantage that patients can quickly learn to apply it themselves and be proactive in their treatment.” Dr.Mark Chambers. GP, Long Melford (UK)

“As a Trauma and Stress Related Disorder Specialist who has focused specifically on the neuroscience and psychophysiology of treating these complex disorders, I have never seen anything as powerful and positively impactful as Havening.” Dr Kate Truitt, Neuroscientist and clinical psychologist, Dr Kate Truitt and Associated, Pasadena, CA, USA.

“Havening is the best treatment for emotionally traumatising experiences and particularly for PTSD.” Dr Sandlin Lowe, Clinical Psychiatrist, Amen Clinics NY, USA.

How Havening can save money and save lives

Havening offers the opportunity to save the NHS millions of pounds both in the short term and long term, not just in supporting frontline workers, but also in supporting the wider mental health pandemic that is to follow.

By empowering our frontline workers with a tool that they can use themselves throughout their day and at the end of their shift, it has the opportunity to reduce their stress levels and staff absenteeism due to stress.

As the landscape of their brains become more resilient through Havening by reducing overactivity and cortisol levels typified by trauma, it enables them to focus more effectively on their vital work to save lives.

As they learn the power of self-Havening, they too can help their patients, particular those in critical care reduce their emotional stress levels to help aid recovery.

More information

If you’d like to find out more about how Havening can help your frontline NHS workers, register for your FREE Unleashed Strategy Call, email [email protected] or visit to learn more about Havening, what it is, the science behind Havening and how I can help you.

Dr Ruth Mary Allan is a certified practitioner of Havening Techniques®. Havening Techniques is a registered trade mark of Ronald Ruden, 15 East 91st Street, New York.

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