How to manage chronic pain: the pain free MINDSET approach with Dr Deepak Ravindran | E94

podcast Dec 16, 2024

Welcome to another enlightening episode of Brain Health: Unchaining Your Pain! Today, Dr. Ruth is joined by the esteemed Dr. Deepak Ravindran, a leading pain management expert with over 20 years of experience

With triple certifications in pain medicine, musculoskeletal medicine, and lifestyle medicine, Dr. Deepak has dedicated his career to transforming how we understand and treat chronic pain. In this episode, Dr. Deepak shares his journey into pain management and his passion for a trauma-informed, holistic approach to healing

Chronic pain affects millions worldwide, but often the underlying factors—such as trauma, lifestyle, and emotional health — are overlooked. Dr. Deepak discusses how addressing these elements can lead to lasting relief and improved well-being

Discussed in this episode:

  • 0:02:00 Introduction of Dr. Deepak and his expertise in pain management. 
  • 0:03:30 Dr. Deepak shares his focus on trauma-informed lifestyle medicine. 
  • 0:05:30 Dr. Deepak discusses his training and gaps in traditional pain care. 
  • 0:07:00 A call to update outdated pain science in medical education. 
  • 0:09:00 Differences between nerve signals (nociception) and pain experiences. 
  • 0:11:30 Evolution of pain definitions based on individual experiences. 
  • 0:14:00 Overview of pain types, including neuroplastic and nosoplastic pain. 
  • 0:17:30 How trauma impacts chronic pain biologically and psychologically. 
  • 0:20:30 Lifestyle medicine as a patient-centered pain management approach. 
  • 0:23:30 Adversity’s biological effects on health and pain. 
  • 0:26:00 Trauma’s effects on hormones, genetics, and microbiomes. 
  • 0:30:00 Importance of an integrative, evidence-based pain management approach. 
  • 0:33:00 Encouraging patients to actively engage in their recovery. 
  • 0:35:30 Exploration of biological, psychological, and social factors. 
  • 0:38:00 Examples of self-care and diet improving chronic pain. 
  • 0:40:00 Building community support for long-term pain management. 
  • 0:43:00 Involving patients, families, and providers in recovery. 
  • 0:45:30 Educating healthcare professionals in lifestyle medicine. 
  • 0:48:00 Strategies for promoting patient behavior change. 
  • 0:50:00 Using multiple platforms to inspire change. 
  • 0:54:00 Holistic strategies for widespread pain treatment. 
  • 0:56:30 Customizing care based on individual patient needs. 
  • 0:59:00 Final thoughts on pain management and gratitude to listeners. 
  • 1:02:00 Using digital tools and coaching for pain management. 
  • 1:05:00 Hope as a key motivator in chronic pain treatment. 
  • 1:07:00 Ending of show with reflections on holistic pain care and an empowering closing message.

Connect with Dr Deepak Ravindran

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