How can we better look after our wellbeing?
Nov 01, 2017We talk a lot about the importance of looking after our wellbeing - our physical and mental health. However, in reality, how many of us are actually living by our values - practising what we are preaching, and doing this on a consistent basis?
How often do you find yourself working late or getting up early to meet key deadlines, whether at work or simply managing the family and loved ones? Are you frequently sacrificing your weekends, missing quality time with those that you care about, finding little time to manage your own mental and physical health?
Here are three simple steps you can take to not only increase your productivity in your day, but also help you relax and recharge.
Step 1: Own your morning!
Before you open your inbox, or any social media / news app on your phone or computer, or turn the TV on, take time to plan your day. Yes, pen and paper and write down what you want to achieve for that day. Think about your goals in life and what your top three priorities are for that day that will move your forward towards those goals. This should help you remain focused throughout the day and reduce your desire to get distracted by other people's agendas and activities that don't move your forward.
Step 2: Exercise regularly
Everyone says exercise regularly and it really is so important to help you recharge. You may also find that amazing moments of creativity happen when you get away from your daily activities and have time to reflect. Schedule your exercise time in your diary, even if this is just a half hour walk. By putting it in your diary you have a reminder of when you should be doing exercise and to go and DO it! Block time out in your day to help you recharge. Why not join a group - even if through a digital health app to help get you motivated with your friends? Make exercise a must. Never underestimate the power that exercise can have on your physical and mental wellbeing*.
Step 3: Get some sleep!
It is recommended that you take seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Less than six hours of sleep per night doubles the risk of heart attack or stroke in at risk people, including those with type two diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. "I can't sleep that much!" I hear you say, "I've got far too much to do." Well yes you can. Make it a must. Get rid of those non-essential activities that you do during the day that don't move you forward and claw back some time to get to bed earlier. Reduce or stop watching TV in the evening. Turn off electronic items ideally one hour before bed, or at least 30 minutes before bed to allow you to wind down from the digital noise in the day. Do this consistently over the next week and you will be surprised at the increase in energy you feel.
*It is recommended that you consult with your doctor if you have any medical conditions to establish an exercise routine that is appropriate for your needs.
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