What is Havening and how does it work?

Oct 21, 2020

Do you feel like you're struggling with emotions, either on a daily or a nightly basis, as a result of a past trauma or an unhelpful experience? Or perhaps these unhelpful sensations bubble to the surface unexpectedly and they really prevent you from showing up as your best self?

My story

In September 2019 I unexpectedly witnessed my dad's sudden death. It was a very traumatic day. Through Havening Techniques coaching I was able to unchain myself from the unhelpful emotions, images and sensations that had been encoded from that day, and it really helped me show up as my best self again.

Previous to that, I was struggling with crying on a daily basis.

I can now look back on that event with much more kindness, compassion, and acceptance, and really reflect on the lovely positive memories I have of my dad. Indeed, I've been able to help my mum with that day, too, and also the grief that has followed.

What is Havening?

Havening is a psychosensory technique that uses the power of Havening Touch® to generate calming, low frequency delta waves in your brain that are generated typically when you’re in a very deep sleep.

We can generate these calming delta waves ourself through the process of Havening Touch® by either washing the palms of our hands, stroking our shoulders, or washing our face.

When we experience a trauma where we want to escape a threat, the amygdala in our brain responds by creating a short circuit to tell our brain to fight, flight, freeze, or defensive rage, depending on what the particular threat is. That response is permanently encoded in our brain.

At the time of the trauma high-frequency gamma waves tell chemicals to plug AMPA receptors onto the surface of our brain cells, which act as a short circuit.Without any intervention, that encoding from the trauma remains there permanently in our brain. From an evolutionary perspective, if that threat appears again, we can do whatever we felt was necessary at the time that event took place.

What can happen is that encoding from that traumatic event comes to the surface on a daily basis whenever we experience anything similar to that past trauma or unhelpful experience.

When we apply Havening Touch®, these calming delta waves go to those brain cells, which have that short circuit encoded and tell the brain cells that those AMPA receptors are no longer needed. The delta waves send particular chemicals to the surface of the brain cell, which unglue the AMPA receptors from the surface and send them back into the brain. That result is permanent.

With the help of a Certified Havening Techniques® Practitioner, you experience a release of those emotions, any unhelpful images, any unhelpful sensations that were encoded as part of the event and these can be permanently removed.

Why is Havening really helpful?

Havening is great because you don't have to say anything about your experience to feel the benefit. In fact, you don't have to say anything at all. A lot of my clients find it difficult to talk about the trauma because it can be so traumatic. That's ok and you still feel the benefit from the session.

With Havening you can achieve the benefit in just one session. In fact, I had a client who was suffering from PTSD flashbacks and in just one session they were able to remove them permanently and have been free from these for over three months.

Finally, with Havening the power is in your own hands. You are in control of the session. You go where you want to go, and you yourself are the one that helps you unchain yourself from your past trauma.

What is the science behind Havening?

You might say to yourself, "This can't possibly be true. Where's the scientific evidence behind this?" In fact, there's over 30 years of scientific research behind this by the founders, Dr. Ron Ruden and Dr. Steven Ruden in the United States.

Research in the United Kingdom has shown that one single session of Havening has yielded really amazing results, reducing cortisol levels, reducing heart rate, reducing blood pressure associated with people's actual experiences.

So it is a really powerful technique.

I do not want you to be a slave to your past. Find out how I can help you by registering for your FREE Unleashed Strategy Call.  You can learn in my blog about the science behind Havening, or visit my website that contains details about what conditions Havening can help address, which includes links to the latests scientific research on Havening here.

The cost if you don't take action?

When we experience a trauma our brains become more vulnerable. We are more susceptible to future trauma as a result of creating a vulnerable landscape in our brain.

Inaction could cost you your resilience in the future.

Don't let yourself be more vulnerable to what life may throw at you.

If you are really ready to build your resilience, to unchain yourself from unhelpful emotions and sensations, to not be a slave to your past, then make sure you register for your FREE Unleashed Strategy Call to find out how I can help you.

You can learn more about Havening, along with client testimonials and the research published here.

The power is in your own hands.

You can unchain yourself from what is holding you back from showing up as your best self.  Let me help you and be your guide.

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Through our partnerships with professional service providers in the medical and wellbeing fields, we offer a wide range of services centred around optimising your brain health and wellbeing

Our goal is to support you and those you care about step into their best self