My Journey - Building a Better Brain with Dr Ruth Allan

podcast Jan 25, 2023
My journey to building a better brain with Dr Ruth Allan

by Dr Ruth Allan | LIVE 26 January 2023, 7am PST / 10am EST / 3pm London

Dr Ruth Allan is host of the show 'Brain Health - Unchaining Your Pain' and Founder of the Wellbeing Warrior Academy. She's an Amen Clinics Certified Brain Health Professional and Trainer, High Performance Coach and Trauma Recovery Coach, specialising in complex trauma, as well as a serving Reservist

Industry leaders, family leaders and entrepreneurs hire her to generate more energy doing what they love by unchaining their pain from past traumas or unhelpful experiences and optimising their unique brain

In this Episode 064 Dr Ruth shares her personal journey of unchaining her pain and building a better brain, taking you right back to her childhood, where it all started

She discusses what her passion is, what optimal brain health means for her personally, what's caused her the greatest pain in life, what constituted her pivotal moment in life and who inspired her

This episode discusses elements of trauma and grief that may be distressing for some

If you have been affected by any of the topics discussed in this episode please connect with us so we can find the appropriate support for you

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Listen to Episode 064 with Dr Ruth Allan on Apple Podcasts

Disclaimer: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute, or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Connect with Dr Ruth Allan, PhD

  • Connect here to learn more about programs to support you in recovering from head trauma, restoring your cognitive function and optimising your brain power and performance
  • Visit the Wellbeing Warrior Academy to learn how we can support you, your family and your organisation in taking charge of, and optimise, your brain and whole body health
  • Access all Episodes of the show 'Brain Health - Unchaining Your Pain'

Related episodes, books, topics and events

Please note this show is for educational purposes only. If you need professional support to optimise your brain and whole body health, please contact us directly or speak to your healthcare professional.

DISCLAIMER: Please always seek the advice of your general practitioner or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

Disclosure: All items marked with a † are hyperlinked to an affiliate program. Dr Ruth Allan takes part in several affiliate programs, designed to provide a way for us to earn fees by linking to their websites. You are not charged any extra by using these links.

We are here to support you


Connect with us so we can support you in answering any questions you have and help you find the best solution for you and those you care about!

Through our partnerships with professional service providers in the medical and wellbeing fields, we offer a wide range of services centred around optimising your brain health and wellbeing

Our goal is to support you and those you care about step into their best self