Baby Talk To Me - Spirit Baby Messages for the Journey to Motherhood | E85
Oct 16, 2023
by Dr Ruth Allan | Released Mon 16 Oct 23
Alison Shaloe is a qualified midwife and lactation consultant and Havening trainer by trade, as well as an energy healer and baby whisperer and author of the book ‘Baby Talk to Me - Spirit Baby Messages for the Journey to Motherhood’
She supports women on their journeys to motherhood practically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Part of her mission is to the heal the emotional wounds of the mother and she uses various modalities to do this. She also facilitates women’s empowerment groups helping women to birth more of themselves
In this Episode 85 we talk about her journey to becoming a midwife. She discusses the importance of ensuring autonomy of the midwife so they can work with the mothers on their journey through pregnancy and into motherhood. She also shares how she overcame imposter syndrome and negative self talk to support women in overcoming their birthing trauma and breastfeeding challenges
We discuss the importance of setting up the right environment for a mother to give birth, as well as the right environment for your baby to grow. Alison discusses how birthing trauma and medical intervention that the mother doesn't expect can have a dramatic impact on their ability to breast feed, and how she supports her clients with Havening to release their birthing trauma and reconnect with their body
I share my personal birthing experience as well as my miscarriage, and we discuss the importance of spiritual connection between parent and child in utero as well as after birth
Alison goes on to discuss the importance of addressing any of your unmet needs as a child to avoid this being translated into adulthood and parenthood and offers her advice to any parent who is concerned that their child or themselves is struggling with birthing trauma
I loved this episode, as having experienced a miscarriage myself, as well as a traumatic birthing experience, I think it's so important that we acknowledge the journey that the mother's, fathers and babies go on as they grow in this world, as well as the spirit messages that babies share with us when they leave this world
If you have in any way found this episode triggering or traumatic, please connect with me directly to arrange coaching to support you in unchaining your emotional, physical, mental or spiritual pain
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Listen to Episode 085 from Mon 16 Oct 23
Disclaimer: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute, or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
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Discussed in this podcast
- 2.25 - What Alison is passionate about in life right now: empowerment of women
- 5.18 - Where Alison started losing her personal power: in childhood, where she felt she had to be silent, suppressing her emotions and herself, resulting in her not feeling safe and having to read the room, holding her back as a midwife in later life
- 8.34 - Alison overcoming fear of being shutdown and persecuted
- 9.45 - What inspired Alison to be a midwife
- 10.50 - The 'aha' moment for Alison during midwifery that enabled her to speak up: moving to a different hospital in London where the focus was on policy rather than autonomy and patient-centric care
- 12.44 - It's not safe with that policy
- 13.40 - Alison moving back to independent midwife, allowing her to empower women
- 15.00 - What affects the birthing experience: the environment and importance of connecting with your body
- 16.12 - What Alison does when everything is going right to support the mother bring their baby into the world: holding the space, allowing her to feel safe and doing whatever you can do to generate more oxytocin
- 17.10 - Dr Ruth Allan's birthing experience
- 18.09 - The challenge of achieving what you would like on your birthing plan
- 19.30 - How Alison's Havening journey started: seeking a healing technique to support her clients who were having challenging birth experiences
- 23.00 - Alison's challenges as she learnt a new healing modality
- 24.24 - "I want you to heal my birth trauma" because you're a midwife and I trust you: outcome following Havening = "I had a birth trauma, but now it's so far in the distance it feels like it didn't happen to me"
- 26.00 - Overcoming imposter syndrome with Havening
- 29.00 - How our brains seek to protect us: with our experiencing being frozen in our system and emerging later, such as in breast feeding
- 29.45 - How trauma from medical intervention to give birth impacts breast feeding, and the importance of expressing colostrum
- 32.35 - Alison's surprises on working with women using role Havening for women with birth trauma to provide an apology that they may never get, and building a new image of their birthing experience using outcome Havening
- 36.00 - The impact of supporting women with birthing trauma and how it supports their breastfeeding: healing the birth trauma and the milk flows
- 38.00 - The beauty of Havening
- 38.37 - What optimal brain health means for Alison: connecting and caring for our minds and bodies
- 39.20 - Using our body to heal our mind
- 40.40 - How Havening helped Alison open up to the real her, reaching a place of self-actualisation
- 42.44 - Alison's journey to writing her book 'Baby Talk to Me - Spirit Baby Messages for the Journey to Motherhood, where she started to write it about breastfeeding
- 46.00 - Reconnecting with our spirituality during birth: Ruth's spiritual connection with her Dad
- 48.45 - Alison connecting with baby's before they are conceived, during pregnancy and after loss: bringing hope to families and more sacredness to everything we do
- 51.34 - Ruth's miscarriage experience
- 52.57 - The impact of a baby's in utero womb experience
- 53.50 - How your own unmet needs as a child play out during parenting: awareness is the first step to healing
- 54.43 - Alison's messages in her book: we want you to have done the healing before we come into this world
- 57.15 - The importance of clearing ancestral wounds
- 57.38 - Alison's advice for a baby with birthing trauma: skin to skin contact, and acknowledge for them it was difficult, they are safe and you love them; if you feel you have birthing trauma - reach out for help.
Please note this show is for educational purposes only. If you need professional support to optimise your brain and whole body health, please contact us directly or speak to a healthcare professional you can trust.
DISCLAIMER: Please always seek the advice of your general practitioner or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.
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