10 Simple Steps to EMPOWER CHILDREN to become WARRIORS for their health | E73

podcast Apr 12, 2023
10 simple steps to nurture healthier and happier kids

by Dr Ruth Allan | LIVE Thu 13 Apr 23, released Mon 17 Apr 23

Dr Ruth Allan goes LIVE as a new 'Brain Bites' segment to her podcast 'Brain Health: Unchaining Your Pain'. In this LIVE episode Dr Ruth draws on several guest episodes of her show 'Brain Health: Unchaining Your Pain' and her own personal experience to provide parents and carers with 10 simple steps you can take to empower your children to become warriors for their own health - starting with creating food warriors


Because at present in the USA our children are predicted to die earlier than us as a result of the state of our food system - in essence we are killing our children early

And being a parent, Dr Ruth is NOT ok with that

In this episode Dr Ruth talks about what you can do to nurture healthier, happier, calmer kids who, rather than being victims to the toxins in the food system that is poisoning their minds and bodies, are more EMPOWERED to take back control and change the food system to one that benefits their health, rather than just the food industry

She shares the shocking statistics that are influencing what we eat and the impact it is having on us. She discusses why it's so important to start talking about the brain and falling in love with it, what you can do as a parent or carer personally to become ambassadors for a better brain and longer health span and life span, and how you can support your children in becoming food warriors

We would love to know what from the 10 steps you are going to implement in your family or your organisation - let us know! If you'd love to share your story of how these 10 steps have influenced change in your family or your organisation, whether an educational institution or business, we'd love to hear from you. Register your interest to join us as a guest on the show by completing the the application form our podcast page so you can share your success story!

Be sure to rate and review this episode on any podcasting platform. Share your view - tell us what you enjoyed or loved about the show here or leave a podcast review on Apple Podcasts by visiting the link below!

Listen to Episode 073 from 17 Apr 23

Disclaimer: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute, or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Related Episodes, books and links

Discussed in this podcast

  • 1.58 - The shocking statistics around our health
  • 3.08 - Reaching the pinnacle of our evolution
  • 5.15 - Step 1: Fall in love with your brain - and why... What do you love about your brain?
  • 8.15 - Step 2, part 1: Do the things that help your brain
  • 10.10 - The impact of putting the wrong fuel in your engine
  • 11.35 - Step 2, part 2: Avoid the things that hurt your brain
  • 18.10 - Empowering our children around the addiction risks of sugar - Lilly's story
  • 19.09 - Step 3: Role model the way
  • 19.54 - Step 4: Create a safe environment for your children to thrive
  • 22.05 - ADD: How the foods that we are feeding our kids is impacting their cognitive performance
  • 23.38 - Step 4: Continued - creating a safe environment mentally and spiritually
  • 24.40 - Step 5: Acknowledge that you're human and we all make mistakes
  • 26.43 - Step 6: Don't make it all about them as an individual
  • 28.00 - Feeding your soldiers in your gut so you can eat their poo!
  • 29.13 - Why it's helpful for children to talk about brain health rather than mental health: reframing the conversation
  • 30.40 - Step 7: Avoid / minimise sugar consumption and the consumption of simple carbohydrates, such as white rice, white bread, white pasta
  • 33.55 - Step 8 (can't count!): Cut out sweeteners
  • 36.00 - Step 9: Consider dairy and gluten intolerance if your children struggle with skin, gut or cognitive issues - eliminate from their diet
  • 39.35 - Step 10: Swap foods to create an abundance of health in their life, rather than feeling they are missing out
  • 41.32 - Summary of the 10 simple steps

Please note this show is for educational purposes only. If you need professional support to optimise your brain and whole body health, please contact us directly or speak to a healthcare professional you can trust.

DISCLAIMER: Please always seek the advice of your general practitioner or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

Disclosure: All items marked with a † are hyperlinked to an affiliate program. Dr Ruth Allan takes part in several affiliate programs, designed to provide a way for her to earn fees by linking to other company websites. You are not charged any extra by using these links.

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Through our partnerships with professional service providers in the medical and wellbeing fields, we offer a wide range of services centred around optimising your brain health and wellbeing

Our goal is to support you and those you care about step into their best self