5 Powerful Insights From Guest Interviews on Unchaining Your Pain | E87

podcast Nov 03, 2024

Dr Ruth Allan reflects on the last 86 episodes of her show and shares five powerful insights from her interviews so far with guests on her show ‘Brain Health: Unchaining Your Pain’ that you can apply to unchain your pain and live a healthier, happier life

Discussed in this episode

The most important factor to your brain and whole body health

  1. What factors trigger autoimmune conditions that can be reversed
  2. The game changer in mitochondrial health
  3. What you need to know if you’re struggling with pain associated with traumatic experiences
  4. When it feels all hope is lost the one thing you need to remember

Related episodes, books, topics and events

1.The most important factor to your brain and whole body health

  1. 57 Patrick Holford, Food for the brain, reversing Alzheimers
  2. 28 Dr Leo Galland - The impact of COVID on the brain, 84 - reversing long COVID
  3. 79 - Karen Mayo - Mindful eating
  4. 71 - Henry Dimbleby, Ravenous for our future health
  5. 70 - Dr Sally Moorcrof, Mastering Menopause
  6. 48 - Kate Cook, sensational at sixty - Positive Nutrition

2.What factors trigger autoimmune conditions that can be reversed

  1. 58 - Dr Craig Shimasaki - How to recognise and recover from, autoimmune brain disorders
  2. 51 - Dr Jenny Goodman - Staying alive in toxic times

3.The game changer in mitochondrial health

  1. 75 - How to amplify redox signalling pathways in your body to enhance mitochondrial health
  2. 82 - Dr Nathan Bryan - The importance of nitric oxide in cardiovascular and cognitive health

4.What you need to know if you’re struggling with pain associated with traumatic experiences

  1. 18 - Mike McCarthy - Addressing problems with the mental healthcare system
  2. 32 - Daniel Mangena - The money game
  3. 83 - Harald Walter Azmann - A Chance for Happiness
  4. 74 - Dr Susanna Petche - Psychological impact of trauma
  5. 66 - Liz McConaghy - Highs and lows of military life
  6. 50 - Rebecca Reed - Baby weaning and you

5.When it feels all hope is lost the one thing you need to remember

  1. 49 - Dr Mark Gordan, TBI Help NOW
  2. 59 - Dr Peter Greunewald - How to develop adaptive resilience
  3. 63 - Dr Hokehe Eco - how to enhance your child’s brain health
  4. 25 - Mark Edmondson - beating stage 4 terminal cancer
  5. 02 - Mark Jenkins - overcoming bulling (ACEs)
  6. 34 - Michael Unbroken - being the hero of your own story (ACEs)
  7. 05 - Charlie Smith - Overcoming outloud (ACEs)
  8. 04 - Aimmee Kodachian - Seeing light from the shadows.

Please note this show is for educational purposes only. If you need professional support to optimise your brain and whole body health, please contact us directly or speak to a healthcare professional you can trust.

DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute, or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.Please always seek the advice of your general practitioner or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

Disclosure: All items marked with a * are hyperlinked to an affiliate program. Dr Ruth Allan takes part in several affiliate programs, designed to provide a way for her to earn fees by linking to other company websites. You are not charged any extra by using these links.

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